A-Sun Amissa - Drone Oracle

The ArcTanGent community has given us a lot. As regular attendees of the festival, this year we get the joy of giving something back.

We have written and recorded a new 30 minute long piece of music to give away as a gift to ATG festival goers. Grab your free download of Drone Oracle from the merch table at the festival site. We will also be performing Drone Oracle at the festival in its entirety.

There are not many places in the world that have as eclectic and open minded music fans as ATG. It is an honour to be a part of it this year.

There are, of course, plenty of A-Sun Amissa followers who won’t be at ATG so we’ve set up a new monthly subscription section on bandcamp to allow Drone Oracle to be accessible to a few more people who may want to hear it. By supporting via this subscription you will receive Drone Oracle and all new future digital transmissions from A-Sun Amissa, Richard’s solo output and other special releases and collaborations. Plus a whole bunch of bonus items from the back-catalogue, subscriber-only exclusives and 10% off all physical releases. Head over to Bandcamp for further details on all of that.

Peace & Punk Rock Forever…
Richard, Claire and Luke

A-Sun Amissa

